5, 2-nd Baumanskaya Street, Moscow, 105005 Russia
The State Duma Committee on Education of the Russian Federation;
Department of Physics; University of Liverpool; Great Britain;
University of Sunderland; Great Britain;
Russian Gravitational Society;
Moscow Physical Society;
The International Society on General Relativity & Gravitation;
British Society for the Philosophy of Science;
Calcutta Mathematical Society
July 3, 2017, started its work
XX International Meeting
Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory- 2017
Monday 3 July – Thursday 6 July 2017
Dear Colleague,
Today, at 9:00 the XX-th International Scientific Conference "Physical Interpretations of the Theory of Relativity" (PIRT-2017) began its work
The PIRT Conference is a four-day event held in September since 1988 at Imperial College in London and since 2003 at Bauman University in Moscow. These objectives are the physical, geometrical, and mathematical interpretations of the formal structure of Relativity Theory, and to examine the questions concerning the various interpretations of the accepted mathematical expression of the Relativity Principle.
The Conference Program of the Moscow PIRT-2017 will include papers dealing with the following major themes:
Gravitation, Cosmology and Space-Time Structure. Relativistic Electrodynamics.
High Energy Astrophysics.
Nature and Models of the Physical Vacuum. Topology and Dynamics.
Experimental Tests of General Relativity,Gravitational Waves. Time, Reference Frames and the Fundamentals of Relativity. Formal Structures and Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory.
This is not an exhaustive list, and colleagues wishing to submit papers dealing with different subjects should send an outline of their proposed presentation to the organizers of the Moscow conference.
The International Organizing Committee of Moscow PIRT-2017 is directed by: Prof. A.A. Aleksandrov, Rector of Bauman MSTU
Prof. V.O. Gladyshev, Head of Fundamental Science Faculty, Bauman MSTU, Russia (dekan- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Prof. P. Rowlands, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The Academician Committee of Moscow PIRT-2017 is directed by:
Member of RAS, Prof. V.I. Pustovoit, Director of Science Technological Centre of Unique Instruments of RAS, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Prof. A.N. Morozov, Head of Physics Dept., Bauman MSTU, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Postal Communications may be sent to:
Prof. V.O. Gladyshev (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Organizing Committee of Moscow PIRT-2017,
Department of Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 5, 2-nd Baumanskaya st., Moscow 105005, RUSSIA
Prof. P. Rowlands, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Abstracts (one page of text) and Papers (5-10 pages of text including figures) in English offered for inclusion in the Moscow PIRT-2017 Program should be sent to the Local Organizing Committee before 1st May.
The format of files of abstracts and papers is *.docx and *.doc (you also should send the hard copy in PDF format). An article should be formed as one file and should include:
- A title;
- Information about authors;
- Key words;
- A brief annotation;
- Text of paper;
- A list of references;
- Illustrations and tables should be numbered and titled and be included into the text of paper.
All papers and abstracts should be formed due to the rules which you can find on the Moscow PIRT- 2017 web-site
The example of a paper and an abstract you also can seе there.
All the conference papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Moscow PIRT Meeting (ISSN 2309-7604), which will be submitted for inclusion into the Scopus database. It will be sent to all participants, in libraries, and will be available in electronic form on the conference website.
According to the results of the conference some papers will be selected for publishing in a separate issue of Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), which is included in Scopus and Web of Science database. (
The articles should be thoroughly revised and put into shape in according to requirements.
The Proceedings will generally revised, therefore, the Organizing Committee keeps the rights for itself to use the special review of any article. In the case reviewers will be specialists of Leading Universities of Russia or aboard.
Colleagues from countries outside Russia should note that a visa is required for entry into the country, and it is essential to leave time for applying for this document which may take two or three weeks to obtain, sometimes longer. It is therefore in the interests of all non-Russian participants to prepare for participation in the Moscow PIRT conference by the earliest date possible.
We suggest you to reserve a room by yourself in the Izmailovskii Tourist Hotel Complex (Izmailovskoe Shosse, 71, 3V, Moscow, 105187. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or http://en.hotel-
The hotel is near the underground station “Partizanskaya” (3 station from the underground station “Baumanskaya” and Bauman Moscow State Technical University).
English and Russian languages are the working languages at the conference. The Organising Committee can arrange interpretation for foreign participants during official parts of the Meeting and excursions.
The Organizing Committee plans to organize an excursion about the centre of Moscow and to BMSTU Museum. Participants may also inform the Committee about other places of interest, which they desire to visit.
Information concerning the Moscow PIRT Conference will be posted on the PIRT web-site:
All enquiries concerning length of abstracts, papers, registration, accommodation, etc. should be sent to the Organizing Committee preferably by e-mail to Prof. V.O. Gladyshev This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
All enquiries concerning the London PIRT conferences should be sent to Dr. P. Rowlands, (University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
To participate in the Conference you should register on the web-site
Photoreport from the conference PIRT-2017
Link for downloading photos at higher resolution:
Link for downloading the conference video: